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moor frog造句

"moor frog"是什么意思  
  • Amphibians are represented by moor frog, common frog, true toad, and smooth newt.
  • Animal species are e . g . warty newt, moor frog, large marsh grasshopper and crossed adder.
  • The lake is also an important breeding ground for frogs, including common frog, moor frog, and common toad.
  • In 1993 the population of amphibians included moor frog and common toad, of which only the later was found by 1996.
  • Other species living here include alpine newt, Carpathian newt and moor frog . moorland clouded yellow and subarctic hawker are glacial relicts.
  • Moor frogs provide a good model for studying local adaptation as they experience a wide range of environments and are relatively limited in their movements.
  • Several protected species of amphibians can be seen by the lake, including common frog, common toad, moor frog, and smooth newt.
  • Protected amphibians and reptiles that may be found here include the : Grass snake, common frog, marsh frog, common spadefoot, moor frog and great crested newt.
  • The lower Middle Elbe basin with its rich water meadow is also of outstanding important for amphibians such as the European fire-bellied toad, the European tree frog and the moor frog.
  • The moor frog is not found in either of the Americas, unlike the foothill yellow-legged frog, Cascades frog, and Columbia spotted frog, which are all found in North America.
  • It's difficult to see moor frog in a sentence. 用moor frog造句挺难的
  • Unlike the moor frog ( " Rana arvalis " ) and common frog ( " Rana temporaria " ), the agile frog does not lay its spawn all in the one clump.
  • The landward side is flooded with sea water only occasionally and not every year, so that amphibians such as grass frogs, moor frogs and toads ( Bufo bufo ) live uncharacteristically close to the seashore.
  • Among animals and amphibians, there are only newts ( smooth newt and great crested newt ), common lizard, frogs and toads ( common frog, common toad and moor frog ) and mice  the island is too small for larger animals which are abundant in the area.
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